Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snowy Days Lead to Soup Filled Thoughts

Today marks the first snowfall of 2012 and the first snow of the season. This weather is perfect for staying in, building a fire, and snuggling up with your loved ones(furry or human). As lovely as the before mentioned are, this is a food blog after all, and I attempt to stay true to that. The following is a short and sweet rambling about a wonderful concept that ANYONE can create no matter what their cooking ability.

Mmmm...Soup. If it wasn't clear from my last post, this is the time of year that I basically obsess about soup. There is nothing more filling, comforting, and heartwarming to me than soup. The picture below is the a bowl of my chicken matzo ball soup that I cooked up recently on a Sunday afternoon. The recipe consists of parsnips, carrots, celery, onion, a whole chicken, dill, parsley, and some other secret ingredients. What you come out with is a meal in a bowl that would make my Nana very proud. I created this recipe by combining recipes that both my Dad and Nana gave me. The result is pictured below and I am pretty damn proud of it!

I encourage everyone to get into the kitchen and see what you have in the pantry or fridge and I challenge you to create your very own custom soup. You will not be sorry! Happy eating to all, and to all, good eating!

Oh yea!

Here are a few of my fave soups with recipes attached:

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