Thursday, February 9, 2012

A thought...

Hey Everyone!

Happy almost Friday!
I just wanted to put up a quick post with a link to a great article I read last night. It basically goes through 12 recipes that this blogger feels we should ALL memorize. I love the idea of having a heavy rotation of simple and yummy recipes, and this article lays it out for you. Each recipe come with a lovely photo of what you can expect. Let me know what you all think and if you have tried any recipe.

In my world, I have a rotation of about 10 recipes myself. My recipes are things that have come to my mind through trial and error OR I have taken recipes that I have attempted and tweeked them. Whichever way you go, know that the moment you put a touch of salt in something-it is yours and yours only. It is the love and care that each of us puts into our food that makes it taste WAY better than any restaurant. This is one of the core reasons that I find food and cooking to be my therapy.

Happy eating!

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